Sports. Politics. Culture. UNFILTERED.

Why Canada Does Not Want The Truth About Climate

As a small nation, Canada has a proprietary interest in its fellow citizens who make good in the big world. Banting and Best are watchwords for pioneering the use of insulin in diabetes care. The CanadArm is hailed on space travel missions. Our comedians and actors are beloved at home for their success in the United States.


So you’d think that a couple of Canadian researchers who could save the world’s economies from a catastrophic climate policy might be household names north of the 49th. But you won’t see the names Ross McKitrick and Stephen McIntyre on the Order of Canada lists or on the dollar bills. Why?

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You Don't Get Whole Story Cuz I'm Part Of The Union. Till The Day I Die.

It was a rollicking good time in Edmonton this past weekend as the NDP held its Bash The Corporations piñata party. (Stephen Lewis returned to remind Canadians why they never trusted him with power.) In case you missed the just-concluded convention, I can sum it up for you: Oil Bad. Power To The People. We’ll Find The Money Somewhere. Oh, and the delegates dumped that capitalist roader Thomas Mulcair for getting outflanked by Justin Trudeau in the federal election.

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Welcome To Politics 2016: Experience Defintely Not Preferred By Media Savants

In what has been a most unusual political year, a new revelation. Previously it had been believed that the breadth of a candidate’s experience was of paramount importance. As a result U.S. governors were the trendy pick of the experts this cycle. Stephen Harper’s experience was supposed to help him hold off the unproven Justin Trudeau. Hillary Clinton would slaughter the Democratic field.

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Rob Ford And The War Against The Phonies

Now that former Toronto mayor Rob Ford is dead the same people who gave him no respite in life are the souls of compassion. There were pious invocations of his struggle against cancer and the unique bond he had with the people whom Toronto City Hall routinely ignores. The same media outfits that pursued him in helicopters, chased his car and peered into his private yard— in a way they’d never done to anyone else in public life before— are now empathetic.

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